It is very important that you read and understand this entire article, so you are aware of the potential ups and downs of a therapeutic-level detox for your child. Please remember that with the IonCleanse by AMD your child does not ingest anything; we are detoxifying the body in a way that does not add to the already overburdened elimination pathway system.

Detoxification, particularly in small bodies with genetically or epigenetically compromised detox pathways, can be a tricky process. The Detox Support Bag of Tricks article is a list of suggestions created by Pathways Natural Wellness Center. Please note that not all supports are ideal for each child. To find the best option for your child specifically, we recommend that you speak with your practitioner. Mineral supplementation and hydration can be helpful for any detox program. We also encourage you to create your own customized detox protocol as each kid is unique. Click here to learn more.

For your record keeping, take an ATEC test, get handwriting samples, and ask for current OT/ST/PT evaluations before you begin the detox protocol, so you have a baseline snapshot of your child. Changes can happen quickly, so please don’t put this off! If you have a child with other challenges, like mitochondrial disorder, please make sure you keep track of their specific issues – like weight gain, endurance, etc. Repeat your child’s evaluations every 30 days. You may also want to create a journal or blog to track your child’s progress. AMD has also created an iPhone app that can help you track all the above! Search for “Detoxr” in the app store. This app is free for IonCleanse by AMD customers. Have the serial number of your system handy when signing up. 

Since the inception of the first TMR study, we have identified 2 typical responses from children during the detox process. Unfortunately, we do not yet have enough data to predict which response a particular child will have. We designate these responses as “Path 1” and “Path 2.” Please understand this covers most children; however, there will be a small number of children who do not fit into either category. We also understand this therapy may not be for every child.  

Path 1 

These children show an immediate positive reaction to the footbaths. There may be bumps along the road that can come in the form of retracing old behaviors just before shifts or gains are about to be made. This may look like regression but tends to disappear quickly.  

Path 2 

After the first few footbaths these children tend to show Herxheimer reactions that can look like regression. They may exhibit an increase in negative behaviors and sleep pattern disruptions. All issues that your special needs child may present (or presented in the past) become magnified as their bodies expel the layers of toxins that have caused the damage. These issues typically fade at the 4-6 week mark, and the child begins to flourish. Issues can re-appear over the course of the detox sessions (somewhat like peeling an onion – improvements come with layers of tears). You can reduce the cleansing frequency to as little as twice per week and the footbath time to as little as 10 minutes, or continue with the general protocol to blast through the wall (some parents have even increased session frequency). Go with your gut instinct, and make sure you are talking with your health care provider. 


The mods have coined the term “Talk about it Thursday” as a resource for you to share your experiences and get valuable feedback. Have something great to share? Talk about it! Have a struggle to share? Talk about it! And you don’t have to wait until Thursday to do so. We encourage an open dialog. Detoxification isn’t always rainbows and unicorns; sometimes it is a screaming or stimming, hyperactive child who is unleashing layers of built-up toxicity. Detox can be tough stuff, but the rewards, if you can stick it out, will be amazing. Sharing the good along with the challenges in the group can be beneficial as we continue to gather information. 

Other Comments

Some children have underlying health issues that may affect their response to detox. While this is rare, it is important that you know what to look for in the event that your child is detoxing too rapidly for their system. Here is a list of what to look for so that you can speak with your practitioner and determine how best to proceed. 

All of the following symptoms can be normal during detox; however, if your child is on mineral support and hydrating well and these symptoms do not resolve within 5-7 days or worsen in that time, we recommend speaking with your practitioner. It may be an indication of an underlying issue that needs attention.

  • lethargy (this is more than just being tired, this is not wanting to move or not having the energy for even their favorite activities)
  • loss of appetite for more than 2 meals, or refusal to eat 
  • sudden onset of violent behaviors resulting in injury 
  • dark circles under the eyes worse than previously seen
  • vomiting for more than 2 days that is not accompanied by other signs of illness