Disclaimer: AMD does not offer medical advice.
These are suggestions, not requirements, and as with all supplementation, you should speak with your practitioner before adding anything new to your protocol to ensure that it is the right option for your child. Some products will not be beneficial for some children and may even exacerbate detox symptoms. If you do not have a practitioner who can help guide you in choosing what is best for your child, please call the above number for assistance.
Mineral support - Daily mineral support is wonderful for almost everyone, whether detoxing or not. However, some children on the spectrum and their parents may have a condition that inhibits their body's ability to absorb and utilize minerals properly. Some of these conditions are, but not limited to: malabsorption, leaky gut, pyroluria, and metabolic disease. In cases such as these it is best to work with your practitioner to ascertain the proper form and amount of minerals required. Below are some suggested products:
- Chelate-Mate from New Beginnings
- Trace Minerals
- C-Salts
- Salt Sole
- Tri salts
- Bone Broth
- Fresh Juiced vegetables
- PowerPak
- Magnesium (Natural Calm is a good source)
- Magnesium oil for transdermal application
- Zinc
- Miracle salt
Liver and Kidney drainage support - (also for peetox ) - When the pathways are compromised and detox is inhibited, the other channels for detox may initially become more burdened during cleansing and need drainage support. If your child is experiencing peetox, diarrhea, or skin rashes while undergoing cleansing, this could be a great tool to discuss with your practitioner.
Bowel support - Constipation at any time during cleansing could be an indication that fluids or minerals are low. Here are some excellent suggestions to help keep those bowels moving and ensure proper detoxification. Discuss your child’s medical history with your practitioner to determine which products might benefit them best.
George’s Aloe Vera Juice
- OxyPower capsules
- Enemas
- Magnesium citrate
- Natural Calm
- Castor oil packs
- High dose vitamin C
Binders - For those children with a known history of heavy metal toxicity, or neurotoxicity you may want to consider a binder. Binders are not required to clear metals or toxins from the body while using your IonCleanse® by AMD; however, some families have found them to be helpful. Please discuss these with your practitioner and weigh the benefits to possible risks when adding them to your cleansing protocol.
- Cilantro
- Parsley & pinella tinctures
- Zeolite / 1 tsp / 1x a day
- Bentonite Clay (food grade)
- Activated Charcoal
- Psyllium and bentonite clay shakes
Alkalizers - (to relieve that achy flu-like feeling) - Though detoxification should help return the body to its proper pH balance with consistent use, you may need to consider an alkalizer during the transition. Some alkalizers are not recommended with certain genetic mutations or with certain conditions in the gut. Please work with your practitioner to determine if you need an alkalizer, and which form is most appropriate.
- Tri-Salts
- Lemon Water
- Nepro Rella or Chlorella
General detox support - Any of these general detox support tools may enhance your experience with your IonCleanse® by AMD; however, some of them are not appropriate for everyone and they are not always needed. Please consult your practitioner about the state of your child's health before adding anything to their protocol.
Inflammation - Some children have issues with systemic and neurological inflammation. If inflammation is an issue, your child may become uncomfortable during the initial cleansing. Please speak with your practitioner about adding one of these anti-inflammatory supports to help your child with any headaches or general achy-ness that may occur.
- PEApure
- Homeopathic carbo veg.
- Belladonna 30c
- Frankincense Essential Oil
Adrenal support - Sometimes detox can be taxing on the adrenal system during the initial cleansing. This is not true for everyone and most people will not need additional adrenal support for the duration of their detox with the IonCleanse by AMD. However, for those with known adrenal issues one of the following may be a good tool for you and your practitioner to consider adding.