Congratulations on your purchase! If you are like most of our customers, you are probably frustrated with the lack of results you have experienced with other modalities. We trust that the IonCleanse will prove beneficial and that you will experience the success so many others have. We wish you the best as you embark on your journey.
The cleansing recommendations provided in our instruction booklet are suitable for most of our customers; however, some people get better results with a more aggressive schedule. If you categorize your health issues as severe or chronic, you might want to consider cleansing more frequently than what is recommended in the instruction booklet.
We included this letter to give you guidance and an overview of what to expect as you start this
detox process. If you ever have questions, please call us at 303-755-0112. Please remember that the IonCleanse by AMD is a noninvasive form of detoxification. You are not ingesting anything; we are detoxifying the body in a way that does not add to the already overburdened elimination pathway system.
Recommended Cleansing Frequency for Adults with Severe or Chronic Health Issues
For those over the age of 50,
We recommend cleansing every 3rd day. Once you have done at least 3 cleanses, you can then increase your frequency to every other day.
Once you have cleansed 3 times on the every other day schedule, you can then cleanse 2 days in a row, take one day off, then repeat this cycle.
For those under the age of 50
You can begin cleansing at a frequency of every other day.
Once you have cleansed 3 times on the every other day schedule, you can then cleanse 2 days in a row, take one day off, then repeat this cycle.
As with any detoxification program, hydration and supplementation are helpful. Drink enough water during and after the IonCleanse sessions. We also recommend taking mineral supplements to further enhance the process. We do not have any brand-specific recommendations. Please refer to your practitioner for guidance.
If excessive Herxheimer or other detox reactions occur (refer to the instruction booklet), we recommend reducing the frequency to every third day and evaluating from there. Since we all detox at different rates, there is often a learning curve when trying to identify your “sweet spot.”
AMD Service and Support
AMD is always available to help you in your process. We offer free lifetime service and support
to our customers. Please call us at 303-755-0112 with any questions.
Thank you for your trust. We hope you come to love your IonCleanse® by AMD system!